Occupational Therapy
Paediatric Occupational Therapy services include:
School skills - pencil skills, listening and focusing, following instructions, fidgeting
Sensory skills - self-regulation, picky eating, repetitive behaviours
Self-care skills - dressing, eating with cutlery, toileting, sleeping,
Social skills - reading non-verbal cues, developing friendships, restrictive interests
Autism and intellectual disability therapy and supports
Mindfulness, meditation and yoga
Adult Occupational Therapy services:
Assessments, recommendations (including but not limited to ramp, step, rail and other modifications) and education:
Activities involved in daily living
Home environment
Falls prevention
Prescription of assistive aids and equipment
Pressure care assessment, equipment prescription and education
Prescription of personal alarm systems
Energy conservation and work simplification strategies
Carer education regarding manual handling.
Group Programs:
Click to find out what group programs are on offer
Funding options: Private, case management and NDIS (under 'improved daily living').
Please be aware, as of December 2022, our OT waitlist is currently closed for NDIS and Private referrals.
What we do:
Physiotherapy assessment and treatment to improve:
Gross motor skills
Play skills
Developmental delays
Functional capacity
Ability to access community
Home Exercise Programs
Hydrotherapy Programs
Recommendation for management of conditions
Pain management and education
Equipment and mobility aid prescription
Group exercise programs
Training programs for family, carers and support worker
Our physiotherapists can assist you to participate in functions and activities of everyday life!
Group Programs:
Gross Motor Skills group programs are currently under development
Funding options: Private, case management and NDIS (under 'improved daily living').
Allied Health Assistance/Social Supports
What we do:​
Implementation of therapeutic plans prescribed by our Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists, including:
Exercise Programs
Learning daily living skills
Personal care tasks
Community activities
Programs focused on achieving therapy goals​​
Support with completing daily living activities
Community and social engagement
Practical and emotional support
Client care
Work with individuals and families to assess, support, maintain and/or improve the functional capacities of individuals through short and long-term intervention and management.
Funding options: Private, case management and NDIS (under 'improved daily living').